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Susan Rios

James  Heligan

Susan Rios

Artist Biography

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Susan Rios

Largely self-taught, Susan Rios's artistic potential was apparent as a child. She also has a back ground in floral design where she acquired her rich knowledge of flowers, an ever-present motif in her art, prints and posters. A California resident, Susan Rios's home is reminiscent of the images she paints.

Susan Rios focuses on serene setting and gentle harmonies, soft inviting rooms, lush floral gardens, and quiet seas that invoke tranquility in her art, prints and posters. Her distinctive style draws the viewer into the painting to enjoy the love and peace depicted there, uplifting the spirit both visually and emotionally.

All of her art, prints and posters look as thou Susan has invited us into a private place and allowed us to partake of the scene. "There are stories in most of my painting, and often, the piece will speak of what is going on in my own inner world. I add elements to complete the memory of the dream or the moment. People say that there is something that feels familiar when they see my work. I think that maybe they are responding to the emotion a painting will invoke and there is a familiarity about that.”

Susan Rios Art, Prints and Posters Collection