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Klaus Kuntscher

Zaira Zarotti

Klaus Kuntscher

Artist Biography

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Klaus Kuntscher

Forced to flee his native Czechoslovakia at the end of World War II, Klaus Kuntscher spent his formative years in Germany. He attended college in Menchberg and received a degree in textile design before moving to the United States in 1962.

It wasn't long before Klaus was back in Germany, this time with the US Army as an illustrator and interpreter. Upon his return, he settled in Kansas where he still lives with his wife and family. It was here that Klaus discovered his passion for fine art, prints and poters and made the transition from textile designer to painter.

Working primarily in watercolors, Klaus is inspired by a wide range of subjects, from still lifes and nature to people. He describes his style as versatile, working in a range from loosely to tightly painted watercolors to impressionistically handled oils. He paints from his third floor studio in his home in the country, looking out over a vista of trees on his property. He has shown his art, prints and posters at galleries throughout Germany, but is particularly fond of art fairs where he can meet people and build lasting friendships.

Klaus Kuntscher Art, Prints and Posters Collection