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Julia Hawkins

Megata Morikaga

Julia Hawkins

Artist Biography

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Julia Hawkins

"I like paintings that you long to run your fingers over,' says British artist Julia Hawkins. This personal preference is not only a powerful motivation in Julia's art, prints and posters; it has contributed greatly to its success. Julia's life as an artist began in early childhood in Berkhamsted, England, where she recalls she was "always painting and making things.' But it wasn't until her mid-twenties that she chose to study and make art her career.

Upon graduating from Cambridge in three years, she achieved a first class honors degree and, most importantly, a mastery of an individual style and artistic expression. Inspired by objects, textiles or magazine clippings that spark her imagination, Julia begins the creative process. "I love to create depth and texture with collage,” says the artist. Equally fascinated by colors and how they work together, Julia combines bold shapes and vibrant colors in a variety of styles and media to achieve her creative goal of tactile temptation in her art, prints and posters. She believes that the simplest of marks can produce depth and detail and also that the quality of a single mark or a splash of color can change an entire painting.

Julia points to the abstract art, prints and posters of Mark Rothko, Patrick Heron and Albert Irvin as being major artistic influences. She has more recently become interested in Japanese prints and brushwork and the more delicate line drawings of artists such as Shiele. Julia's images have been published as fine art prints and greeting cards. She has completed many commissions as well.

Julia Hawkins Art, Prints and Posters Collection