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Marilyn Hageman

R. Nob

Marilyn Hageman

Artist Biography

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Marilyn Hageman

Marilyn Hageman landscape art, prints and posters conjure up the moment of a soft breeze on a summer day. She captures the sensation of movement, even in the seemingly still subjects of flowers and trees. At the age of three Marilyn began to paint horses, intrigued by their speed and motion. Now a painter of natural landscapes and botanicals, Marilyn still strives to capture the lyrical energy of the horses she drew in childhood. "I find it hard to categorize my work,' Marilyn admits. Her brush strokes vary from loose and playful to concise. Reminiscent of her major artistic influences, Claude Monet and Mary Cassatt, Marilyn's florals are as representational as they are impressionistic.

In the 1980s Marilyn attended Colorado State University where she received both a bachelor's degree and master's degree in painting. Here she studied under Jim Dormer, a successful painter of art, prints and posters, who remains her mentor today. "Jim's uncompromising and demanding teaching style brought out my confidence and ability as an artist. He still provides me with guidance and support.”

Marilyn is represented by the Denver Art Company and her art, prints and posters are found in galleries and private collections in the United States. She resides in Golden, Colorado, with her husband Craig and two young children, Grant and Blake.

Marilyn Hageman Art, Prints and Posters Collection