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Christian Choisy

James  Heligan

Christian Choisy

Artist Biography

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Christian Choisy

Born in Bordeaux in 1948, Christian Choisy lived and worked for many years in his studio "Espace Montesquieu' in La Brede. After numerous exhibitions of his art, prints and posters in the southwest of France, and particularly in the Aquitaine region, as well as Switzerland and Portugal, he opened a studio in Saint-Paul de Vence.

Today, this is where the majority of his art, prints and posters are produced. A further career move in 1999 involved opening a new studio in Honfleur, which is managed by his daughter. Many collectors are fascinated by his design-oriented art, prints and psoters drawn often with monochrome style and colors, free of simple artistic restraints.

"I complicate life in order to make it simple because it is so easy to make it complicated”. The quotation from the artist summarizes his overall style and determines his art, prints and posters. In this way, pictures are created in which the abstract and the figurative harmonize very well with one another. A mixture in which perfection and unyielding stringency dominate construction just as skill dominates simplicity.

Christian Choisy Art, Prints and Posters Collection