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David Lorenz Winston

Zaira Zarotti

David Lorenz Winston

Artist Biography

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David Lorenz Winston

A native of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Winston studied photography at Pennsylvania State University where he received a B.A. in art in 1965. His unique images emanate from a lifelong love of the natural landscape and human nature. Winston's vision has been inspired by the people and panoramas of Siberia, Peru, India, Nepal, Tibet, Greece, Portugal and Nova Scotia. He is equally moved by Pennsylvania's landscapes, where the major portion of his art, prints and posters is done.

In 1994, he added the computer to his vocabulary, enabling him to reach deeper into his imagination and resulting in a new and inspired body of art, prints and posters. Winston's images have been exhibited in many one-person and group exhibits along the eastern seaboard of the United States, where he has received many first place and best of show awards.

His art, prints and posters are represented in numerous collections, including those of IBM, Verizon, the University of Pennsylvania and Johnson & Johnson. Winston has illustrated five children's books in a series on farm life for Carolrhoda Books. He currently lives and works as a photographer and computer artist in Philadelphia, where he is represented by the Hahn Gallery.

David Lorenz Winston Art, Prints and Posters Collection