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Robert Watts

Megata Morikaga

Robert Watts

Artist Biography

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Robert Watts

After a formal training in design and painting at the Pratt Institute in New York, Robert Watts went on to study under Joseph Henninger at the Art Center School in Los Angeles. He began his career in earnest when in 1966 he was appointed lead illustrator for the Ryan Aeronautical Company. His job involved painting aircraft that didn't exist. He was working from engineering drawings, making use of a vivid imagination, he had to visualize how these airplanes would look in flight even before prototypes were built. The need to produce very precise art with a flair that would bring these unborn flying machines to life, was a discipline that has led to his present realistic style of painting art, print and posters.

In 1971, Robert Watts was asked to join the Naval Art Program, and served as a naval combat artist during the Vietnam years. Three tours, including an extensive tour aboard the aircraft carrier America, resulted in a body of art, prints and posters for the Navy art collection. By 1974, Watts was working on his own as a professional illustrator and painter, gaining commissions from many of the leading aviation manufacturers, including Hughes, Teledyne, General Dynamics and Northrop. Requiring art of a very high standard, these corporations recognized in the artist a distinctive style, with a nice balance between accurate representation and fine art.

Though most art, prints and posters completed by Watts have been concerned with aviation he also has a good feel for painting ships and the sea and this has led to a commission from the Naval Academy Ships Museum for six oils depicting famous World War Two ships. But his first love is painting aircraft, and it is in this field of art that he sees his future.

Robert Watts Art, Prints and Posters Collection