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George Botich

Megata Morikaga

George Botich

Artist Biography

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George Botich

George Botich's fascination with Europe began following graduation from the Art Institute of Chicago and the Ringling School of Art, when he spent a year traveling through the European countryside and painting from the back of an old truck. Those experiences had a tremendous impact on his art, prints and posters aw well as his philosophy. Annually Botich travels to Europe, usually Paris and the Greek Isles. "Paris has been painted so often, and it can be overpowering,' says Botich. "But one day in 1985, I happened to catch a glimpse of the light on a particular building. It just clicked for me.'

Mr. Botch, his wife and their daughter reside in the Chicago area. He works daily in his studio completing art, prints and posters from on-site sketches as well as putting the finishing touches on paintings executed primarily in the field. His paintings are not large, usually 20x12 inches or smaller, and usually of a vertical composition rather than horizontal.

It's not uncommon for collectors to own more than one painting by Mr. Botich, since the works lend themselves to groupings readily. Gallery staff also has heard more than once, "I remember that shop (or corner, or window)!” or "I was right there last…” We are pleased to display Botich's fine art, prints and posters. His works may be found in numerous private, corporate, institutional, and public collections.

George Botich Art, Prints and Posters Collection