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Peggy Abrams

Megata Morikaga

Peggy Abrams

Artist Biography

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Peggy Abrams

Peggy Abrams sketched from the time she could hold a pencil until she was a teenager, when she began working with oils. Abrams grew up in a farming community in Michigan. Her family provided her with any means possible to nurture her artistic talent in producing art, prints and posters.

Her mother saved old wallpaper and Shredded Wheat boxes for her to draw on. In addition, since her family did not always have indoor plumbing, she painted the outhouse making it, "the best looking outhouse you've ever seen."

As a young girl, Abrams was inspired by old dolls, lace and large hats; elements of the stylish Victorian era which always interested her. Today, she is famous for her Victorian Santas, flower arrangements and accessories in addition to her gardening images and an extensive line of Christmas art, prints and posters.

Peggy Abrams Art, Prints and Posters Collection