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Thomas Alden


Artist Biography

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Pino was born in Bari on November 8, 1939, and passed away May 25th, 2010, began his studies at the city's Art Institute. In 1960 he entered Milan's Academy of Brera where he perfected his talent and skill for painting nudes. In the two years he studied at the Academy, he came under the influence of the Pre-Raphaelites and Macchiaioli. Pino also experimented with Expressionism of the late sixties during his stay in Milan. From 1960 to 1979 his art, prints and posters appeared in several major exhibitions throughout Italy and Europe. At the same time, he was commissioned by Italy's two largest publishers. However, Pino felt restricted in Milan. He wanted more artistic freedom that he believed existed in the United States.

In 1979, he immigrated to the United States under the sponsorship of Borghi Gallery where he held several shows of his art, prints and posters in New York and Massachusetts. In 1980, after knocking on many doors, Zebra Books Publishers commissioned him to do his first book cover. His interpretation was new, fresh and sensual, an illustration so successful that he gained entry into creative relationships with many leading publishers of Romance novels. His popularity grew within the literary community and he became the artist-in-demand for Zebra, Bantam, Simon and Schuster, Harlequin, Penquin USA and Dell. Pino has illustrated 3,000 books; his style has dominated and influenced the market.

Although Pino devoted thirteen years to illustrating book covers, he never abandoned his desire to return to fine art. In the United States be became fascinated with the works of Soralla, Sargent, Benson and William Merrit Chase. Pino has been invited to make several appearances on major TV networks and has been interviewed in national and international journals.

Pino Art, Prints and Posters Collection