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Rollie Brandt

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Rollie Brandt

Inspired by the carefree spirit of children, Rollie Brandt enjoys painting art, prints and posters of kids just being kids. Even as a child, Rollie Brandt knew what she wanted in life, to become an artist. The beginning of her career path goes back to grad school where she excelled in art. "I was constantly drawing and painting for my family and friends,' Brandt states. Known as "The Artist' throughout high school, Rollie concentrated on developing her technique and style. Having an entrepreneurial spirit, she launched a sign-painting business her sophomore year. After graduation, Brandt held a variety of art-related positions that gave her invaluable education in graphic design, typesetting, and printing.

Motivated by the desire to become a full-time mother, Brandt pursued freelance work she could tackle at home. Within a short period of time, this highly creative designer and illustrator had established a successful home-based graphics studio. She taught herself to paint "squeezing lessons in” while the kids napped and during other rare free moments in her busy design studio. Now, a full-time painter of art, prints and posters, Rollie and her husband enjoy living close to their roots in east central Minnesota where they raised three children.

Rollie paints from the heart. Her favorite subjects are horses, the animals she grew up with, and children. The real charm of her art, prints and posters lie not in the detail she is known for, but in the timeless feelings they evoke, "Been there, done that and loved it.” "With my paintings, I try to depict kids happily ‘being kids,' much like life in the ‘50s and ‘60s when I grew up. I would be outside for hours, sledding until I was soaked. Or, in the summer, I would sit on the dock all day with angle worms and dirty fingers busy fishing for sunnies.” Rollie Brandt's work is displayed at several art shows and sporting exhibits each year. Her art, prints and posters have appeared in numerous magazines and on several covers, including the Minnesota DNR Hunting Regulations Booklet.

Rollie Brandt Art, Prints and Posters Collection