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Megata Morikaga

June Dudley

Artist Biography

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June Dudley

After a few years of studying with Bob Wygant and eighteen years of teaching, June Dudley's parents retired from ranching turning half of their 4,000 acre Texas ranch and cattle over to her and her husband. Her desire to become a full-fledged artist and having the ranch to fall back on enabled her to quit teaching and devote full time to her art, prints and posters. This was a dream come true for June. She believes God instilled a deep desire in her and has given her the talent to go along with it plus opening up doors along the way. June sees her job as doing the best that she can to fulfill God's purpose in her life.

June and her husband Richard live on the ranch where her studio is located. It is a beautiful setting with a lake behind the house and studio and wildlife, cattle, and horses around them. June loves it because her inspiration for her art, prints and posters is all around her, and it is land she grew up on and that has been in her family for over l00 years.

June describes her paintings as poetic landscapes. Her colors are somewhat impressionistic and her scenes are realistic so she describes her work as impressionistic realism. She has a wonderful use of color, lighting, subject matter, detail, and figures. All of the figures in her art, prints and posters are either family or very close friends. June believes that her feelings and love for what she paints shows in her paintings.

June Dudley Art, Prints and Posters Collection