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Marjolein Bastin

R. Nob

Marjolein Bastin

Artist Biography

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Marjolein Bastin

In her native Holland, Bastin is considered a living treasure, as well as a valued spokesperson for the environment. Every day she studies nature, for as many as fifteen hours, and share what she finds with pencil and watercolor art, prints and posters until it takes on a new life.

Americans discovered her remarkable talent through Hallmark Cards, Inc. Her art, prints and posters of "small miracles” which depict the wonder of everyday life are produced as numbered, collectible limited edition fine art prints by The Greenwich Workshop.

Her drawings became well-known in her home country through the Dutch magazine, Libelle, which was soon featuring her art, prints and posters every week. In the meantime, Bastin also gained fame through the children's books which she wrote and illustrated, often featuring her most popular character, Vera the Mouse.

Marjolein Bastin Art, Prints and Posters Collection