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Chris Young

Anne Rushout

Chris Young

Artist Biography

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Chris Young

Chris Young was introduced to The Greenwich Workshop by veteran Greenwich artist James C. Christensen who elegantly describes the striking uniqueness of Young's art, prints and posters this way: "Chris' art allows us to see the ordinary in an extraordinary way.' His 'ultra-realistic' paintings are actually abstractions created with an exquisite combination of light, detail and color which compel the viewer to look at the artist's paintings again and again to consider the beauty of simple objects.

Young's art, prints and posters reveal two primary artistic influences: Zen art and design and early Spanish and Dutch still-life painters. His highly detailed, well-crafted paintings create a calm, meditative feeling based on order and simplicity. A trip to Young's studio reveals a treasure trove of natural objects including bird's nests, exotic shells, dried flowers and other objects which the artist arranges for drawings, watercolors and oil paintings. Young reflects about this work: "I am captivated by nature's grand design. As we take time to carefully look at seemingly ordinary natural objects, an incredible beauty and harmony is revealed.”

Born in 1963, Young developed a love for drawing at an early age with the motivation of his father. At age 19, he interrupted his engineering studies at Brigham Young University to serve as a missionary in Tokyo, Japan. While living there he was highly influenced by Zen art and design. Soon after returning to Utah, he decided to change his major to fine art. Another trip abroad, this time to the great art museums of Europe, had a powerful influence where he became enamored with the early Spanish and Dutch still-life painters. Today, Chris works in his Orem, Utah studio where he enjoys the support of his wife and four active children. His art, prints and posters are sold through leading galleries in the West.

Chris Young Art, Prints and Posters Collection