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Frank Dicksee

Anne Rushout

Frank Dicksee

Artist Biography

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Frank Dicksee

Francis Bernard Dicksee was born in London on the 27th November 1853, the son of Thomas Francis Dicksee, painter and illustrator of art, prints and posters, and his wife Eliza nee Bernard. His uncle was John Robert Dicksee, another painter of some note. The family lived in the Bloomsbury area of London. Young Frank was initially trained in art by his father, before enrolling at the Royal Academy Schools in 1870. Amongst the more notable of visiting lecturers at the time were Frederic Leighton. Dicksee was an excellent student, quickly marked out for a promising future, and won many distinctions, and in 1875, the year he first exhibited at the Academy a Gold Medal.

Frank Dicksee's artistic home remained the Royal Academy throughout his career, and he became ARA in 1881, and was elected a full RA ten years later. The painter's art, prints and posters, and taste were totally in sympathy with that of the public, and his career at this time was one of unbroken success. His wonderful portraits of women had a charm of their own, uniting soft focus, elegance, charm, warm colors, and excellent drapery painting.

Dicksee was knighted in 1925, and became KCVO in 1927. He was a Trustee of the British Museum, and the National Portrait Gallery, and was awarded an Honorary Oxford Degree in 1927. He was also the President of the Artists Benevolent Foundation. Sir Frank Dicksee died suddenly on the 17th October 1928. A retrospective exhibition of his art, prints and posters was held at the Royal Academy in 1933.

Frank Dicksee Art, Prints and Posters Collection