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Yves Poinsot

Megata Morikaga

Yves Poinsot

Artist Biography

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Yves Poinsot

Louis was born in Paris on January 3rd, 1777. He attended the school of Lyc-Louis-le-Grand for secondary preparatory education for entrance to the famous Polytechnique. In October 1794, at age 17, he took the Polytechnique entrance exam and failed the algebra section but was still accepted. A student there for 2 years, he left in 1797 to study at Lyc-Bonaparte in Paris, from 1804 to 1809. From there he became inspector general of the Imperial University where he shared a post with another famous mathematician Delambre. On November 1, 1809, Poinsot became assistant professor of analysis and mechanics at his old school the Polytechnique.

During this period of transitions between schools and work, Poinsot had remained active in research and published a number of works, including art, prints and posters, on geometry, mechanics and statics so that by 1809 he had an excellent reputation. By 1812 Poinsot was no longer directly teaching at Polytechnique using substitute teacher Reynaud, and later Cauchy, and lost his post in 1816 when they re-organized, but he did become admissions examiner and held that for another 10 years. He also worked at the famous Bureau des Longitudes from 1839 until his death.

In 1840 he became a member of the superior council of public instruction. In 1846 he was awarded an Officer of the Legion of Honor, and on the formation of the Senate in 1852 he was chosen a member of that body. Poinsot was elected Fellow of the Royal Society of London in 1858. He died in Paris on December 5th 1859. Art, prints, and posters of some of his drawings have since been published.

Yves Poinsot Art, Prints and Posters Collection