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Art Wolfe

Thomas Alden

Art Wolfe

Artist Biography

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Art Wolfe

Art Wolfe's photographs are recognized throughout the world for their mastery of color, composition, and perspective. His vision and passionate wildlife advocacy affirm his dedication to his art, prints and posters. Wolfe's photographic mission is multi-faceted. By employing artistic and journalistic styles, he documents his subjects and educates the viewer. His unique approach to nature photography is based on his training in the arts and his love of the environment.

The son of commercial artists in Seattle, Washington, Wolfe graduated from the University of Washington with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree with a minor in Art Education. Just three years after graduation, he published his first book of art, prints and posters, "Indian Baskets of the Northwest Coast”.

Wolfe's travel schedule soon had him on the road more than at home. Over the course of his twenty-five year career, he has worked on every continent and in hundreds of locations. Wolfe now spends nearly nine months of the year traveling and shoots over 2,000 rolls of film annually. Art Wolfe's stunning art, prints and posters interpret and record the world's fast-disappearing wildlife, landscapes and native cultures, and are a lasting inspiration to those who seek to preserve them all.

Art Wolfe Art, Prints and Posters Collection