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Daniel Patrick Kessler

Megata Morikaga

Daniel Patrick Kessler

Artist Biography

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Daniel Patrick Kessler

Daniel Patrick Kessler's artistic roots began in Catholic grammar school, where nuns gave him holy cards, bright, ornate depictions of religious scenes, which caught his eye and fired his imagination. After receiving a Bachelor's degree in Science from the University of Maryland, Kessler worked for several years in graphic arts and architectural design before turning to painting art, prints and posters full time in 1991.

Among his major influences are modern artists Joseph Cornell, Man Ray, Robert Rauschenberg, and Gregory Gillespie; the 17th century Dutch masters; and the Italian Renaissance painters. Today, Daniel Patrick Kessler's distinctive art, prints and posters of the Texas state flag, of a sheepish, brightly colored Red dog with an apple on it's head, known as William Tell's dog, and of 19th century Washington homes have become a staple of his oeuvre; as recognizable in their own way as Andy Warhol's soup cans or Matisse's cutouts.

Daniel Patrick Kessler's architectural pieces include five commissioned Presidential commemorative paintings of The White House; and a folk art rendition of the White House used by President Clinton and the First Lady for a 1996 Christmas card. Daniel Patrick Kessler's art, prints and posters can be found in corporate and private collections internationally, and his reproductions are available worldwide. His work is also on display and available most weekends at the historic Eastern Market in Washington, D.C.

Daniel Patrick Kessler Art, Prints and Posters Collection