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Cecil Rice

Elizabeth Allyn

Cecil Rice

Artist Biography

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Cecil Rice

English artist Cecil Rice graduated from Brighton Art College in 1983. He is best known for his romantic and colorful art, prints and posters of Italy, in particular those of Venice. The urge to paint was an early realization which was encouraged by Cecil's father Sean Rice, himself a much respected sculptor. Such encouragement was furthered by family holidays to Italy, hence rooting in Cecil the lure of the Tuscan light along with the astonishing architecture and atmosphere of Venice.

After a period of teaching and painting in tandem, the impetus to paint full-time became so strong that Cecil gave up his job and became a professional fine artist in 1997. Exhibitions of Cecil's art, prints and posters have been staged throughout the country.

The Battersea Arts Fair proved a strong platform from which to introduce work to galleries and collectors alike. During the most recent years, as demand has grown, Cecil has chosen to exhibit primarily with selected galleries in London and Brighton. His ambition of staging a solo exhibition in Cork Street London was realized in 2002 while in the same year his art, prints and posters were exhibited in Tokyo and Nagoya.

Cecil Rice Art, Prints and Posters Collection