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Megata Morikaga

George Hallmark

Artist Biography

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George Hallmark

Born and raised in North Central Texas, George Hallmark identifies with life in the country and feels at home in a rural setting. Hallmark began drawing as a child and, discovering that he received praise for his artwork, continued and excelled at art in high school and college. For many years, he worked as an architectural designer and as a commercial artist. It was in the mid-seventies that Hallmark first began to devote more time to painting fine art, prints and posters. In 1979, he traveled to Utah to study with William Whitaker, then Professor in Residence at BYU.

Working in oil on canvas, Hallmark chooses his subjects for their architectural interest, striving for a dramatic play of light and shadow within. The artist has a strong sense of design from his studies in architecture, and draws upon this expertise to create art, prints and posters that are a rich blend of composition, color and depth, while conveying a more personal sense of "being there.” Paul Harvey, the voice of America, acknowledged this personal connection and said to Hallmark, "You have a gift for strumming the heartstrings like nobody since Rockwell.”

Today, Hallmark and his family live in Bosque County, in the Texas Hill Country. Their home, designed by the artist, is a white wood frame house with a tin roof. It stands on a hillside overlooking the valley door below. In this quiet country setting, George Hallmark has found that balance between family and art, prints and posters, between work and creativity. "The longer I paint, the more I enjoy this wonderful blessing of creation. The good Lord gave me this incredible desire to be an artist, the rest has been just plain, hard work.”

George Hallmark Art, Prints and Posters Collection