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Debra Stroud

Artist Biography

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Debra Stroud

My first creative attempt, at the age of two and a half, was to peel off the nursery freeze that my Mother had applied to the wall minutes earlier. I have always had a creative mind and as a child I used to send my inventions to various toy manufacturers. One of my designs was for an all enclosed sledge encapsulated in a sort of gyroscopic pod so that you stayed in a stable position as you hurtled down a snowy hill. The company 'Triang' liked my design and sent me a kind and heartening letter and a doll's cot.

Creativity was very much encouraged at my first school in Guildford. Music, art and drama were a daily activity. Unfortunately, the School closed when I was nine and subsequent Schools failed to nurture the creative spirit. It was later, at the age of fourteen, that I was inspired by Guildford School Of Art and their Photography course. I took armfuls of information home about art, prints and posters from the careers fair and enthusiastically told my parents. My Father said ‘No way', so I lost heart and left school.

Artistically, my background has been geared more towards photography. Painting art, prints and posters has been a natural evolution for me and I find I am able to express different qualities. My entire family is creative and artistic, so I have had a firm foundation. I was born in Guildford and have traveled far and wide, having a variety of really diverse jobs. I have worked as a freelance photographer, as a courier to New York, an executive in sales and marketing, and in Noise Pollution for a local authority. I now live in Hampshire, not far from the sea and the South Downs.

Debra Stroud Art, Prints and Posters Collection