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Sarah Jane Szikora

Anne Rushout

Sarah Jane Szikora

Artist Biography

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Sarah Jane Szikora

Coming from a large family I was constantly looking for ways to amuse myself and soon discovered that drawing and painting were by far my favorite. I also made frequent trips abroad to my father's native Hungary, encountering for the first time the larger than life ladies and gents who were probably the earliest influence for the characters in my art, prints and posters.

Although I found school to be an unpleasant experience I enjoyed art and music classes, so it was natural for me to pursue an artistic career. I completed a foundation course at Harrogate College of Art where I studied a range of subjects, including photography, sculpture and graphics. During this time I maintained a lifelong interest in simple drawing, and always enjoyed the life class most. From Harrogate I went on to study illustration at Cleveland College of Art. The same interest in studying the human form continued and led to the development of the extreme figures in my art, prints and posters.

The ‘big girls with attitude' sold surprisingly quickly and encouraged me to concentrate on painting art, prints and posters. Since then I have been painting non-stop. Along the way my partner took responsibility for publishing my work as greetings cards until I found an agent who in turn introduced me to Washington Green and Halcyon Gallery in 1995.

Sarah Jane Szikora Art, Prints and Posters Collection