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Wendy Corbett

Artist Biography

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Wendy Corbett

"Although I did art to 'A' level standard I never really considered it as a career option as my real ambition was to work with animals. However, as a youngster I was discouraged by teachers from doing this, who suggested that I think of a 'real' job instead. This was reason that I actually ended up becoming a teacher. On doing this job I found that I was not suited to it at all and subsequently left with absolutely no idea what I was going to do.'

"Over a period of time I tried my hand at a variety of jobs ranging from farming to forklift truck driving, with no real sense of direction. In my late 30's I worked with my father as a sign writer and lettering artist for a number of years, until computers and modern technology, as with most people, did me out of a job. Again I had to rethink what career path I wanted to take. I had been experimenting again with my art, prints and posters in any spare time that I had, doing animal commissions and trying out different mediums and techniques. It had long been a dream of mine to live by the coast and one day I made a spur of the moment decision to move to Devon, with the intention of one day becoming a full-time artist.”

"My first real opportunity to show my art, prints and posters came when the gallery in Kingsbridge, where I live, changed hands and I plucked up the courage to go and show them my portfolio. I was delighted when the owners took some pieces to try, and I'm glad to say that, I have not looked back since. I exhibit with them regularly, which leaves little time to do anything for anyone else.”

Wendy Corbett Art, Prints and Posters Collection