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Zaira Zarotti

Rod Chase

Artist Biography

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Rod Chase

Rod Chase is known to his collectors for producing photo-realism at its finest. This talented artist takes hundreds of photographs of each of his subjects, combining them with historical photographs, to produce a timeless quality in all of his art, prints and posters. "Being a photo-realist, I am dependent on finding accurate reference material for each painting,' the artist explains. Chase works with acrylics on canvas, spending hundreds of hours on each painting as he strives to present a fresh and unique view to familiar subjects.

Chase is very excited about painting our nation's capitol. On a recent trip, he spent a week photographing Washington's landmarks, including The White House, the Capitol, and the Supreme Court building. Rising very early each day, Chase photographed the dramatic light of sunrise, and late in the day he revisited several sites to capture the soft, moody glow of twilight. Between sessions, he researched old photos at the National Archives and the Library of Congress. Over the next few months, Chase will create dramatic, awe-inspiring art, prints and posters of Washington for his collectors by combining antique and modern photography with just the right touch of artistic license.

Chase was born and raised in Canada. After marrying an American, he moved to the United States. He and his wife, Debbie, have four children, who are home-schooled. In 1999, Chase became a United States citizen.

Rod Chase Art, Prints and Posters Collection