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Alan Sakhavarz

Anne Rushout

Alan Sakhavarz

Artist Biography

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Alan Sakhavarz

Alan Sakhavarz has been painting and drawing since childhood. Alan Sakhavarz has been exclusively painting his favorite subject, wildlife, for many years. Alan Sakhavarz's dedication to his art and his love and admiration for nature are clearly manifested in his highly accurate and meticulously rendered art, prints and posters. Alan Sakhavarz works out of his studio in a small town near Toronto and spends most of his time traveling around the world to study his subjects and their natural habitats.

In his career, Alan Sakhavarz has joined the top-ranking North American wildlife artists. Alan Sakhavarz's art, prints and posters have been shown in prestigious shows and galleries throughout Canada and the United States, including the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto and the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum in Wausau, Wisconsin. Alan Sakhavarz's artwork has also been commissioned for several private and corporate collections.

Alan Sakhavarz's goal is to heighten the viewer's appreciation for the gradually vanishing world of nature using art, prints and posters. "As an artist and a person interested in nature, I am concerned about the destruction of nature, whether it is a forest or a bird. I feel happy and fortunate to be able to contribute, through my art, to the preservation of nature by expressing its fragility and vulnerability.”

Alan Sakhavarz Art, Prints and Posters Collection