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Sueellen Ross

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Sueellen Ross

Sueellen Ross has been called America's Definitive Cat Artist, and her art, prints and posters beautifully support that high praise. But Ross' complete body of work ranges far beyond the mysterious feline universe. She is a highly versatile artist both in her mixed media technique and hand-colored etchings, and in the wide variety of subjects rendered with such exquisite richness and detail. Her distinctive paintings of wild birds and domestic pets grace the homes of collectors across the country.

Sueellen Ross combines her passion for producing art, prints and posters with her love of animals to create works of exceptionally strong design and subtle wit. "My strength as an artist,"” she says, "comes from my deep love of my subjects.”

Ross' paintings, etchings, posters, and other prints have been exhibited worldwide. She has frequently been juried into the prestigious "Birds in Art” show at the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Museum in Wausau, Wisconsin, and "Arts for the Parks” in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Sueellen and her husband live in Seattle, Washington.

Sueellen Ross Art, Prints and Posters Collection