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Luke Buck

Anne Rushout

Luke Buck

Artist Biography

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Luke Buck

Luke Buck grew up in Indiana with a love for life, art and nature that is evident in his nostalgic watercolors of Americana. Traveling the back roads in search of scenic places, Buck will sometimes round a bend in the road, and the setting will find the artist. Similarly, his vivid watercolors, the end result of his wanderings, reach out to the viewer. "I try to include the viewer in my paintings. The viewer is part of my work," says Buck. His captivating art, prints and posters break out of their borders to welcome the viewer into their quietude, extending an invitation to roam.

All of his art, prints and posters have their own charm and tells their own tale. This is because a setting must have a certain appeal for Buck, either in terms of the subject matter of the feelings it evokes. And just as every locale has its own climate, its own "feel," Buck's paintings all have a distinct atmosphere. Buck has won recognition and numerous awards for his art in the past few years, including the Purchase Award at the Walt Disney Festival of the Masters in 1996. He, in turn, often donates his work to causes close to his heart - art for scholarship funds and charitable causes such at TWA's Operation Lift-Off, which sends terminally ill children to Disney World.

His artist father had once advised him to paint, not to please others, but to please each artist's toughest critic: himself. "Satisfy yourself with a painting. If you're happy, others will be happy, too." Remembering those words, when Buck is content with his art, prints and posters, he always adds a personal touch to it in an inconspicuous place - his fingerprint.

Luke Buck Art, Prints and Posters Collection