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Guy Coheleach

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Guy Coheleach

Born in New York, Guy Coheleach travels the world to experience firsthand the wildlife subjects that intrigue him. His adventerous spirit has given him a true understanding of the animals he depicts in his art, prints and posters; this knowledge shines through in each image.

Coheleach cares deeply about the environment that shelters the animals he loves. His art, prints and posters have been used for the benefit of many worthy causes and he's endowed several scholarships at the University of Tennessee for students of wildlife management.

Coheleach received the Master Artist Medal from the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Museum, a rare honor reserved for only the most gifted and respected artists. His shows at major museums across the nation receive rave reviews. Experience his art, prints and posters for yourself!

Guy Coheleach Art, Prints and Posters Collection