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Chuck Ren

Elizabeth Allyn

Chuck Ren

Artist Biography

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Chuck Ren

Chuck was born in the Arizona mining town of Ajo in 1941. He received his Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Arizona. But, it was only in his last 2½ years of college that he received any formal art training!

After graduation, southern California and the corporate world of design (Lockheed Air Service, Computer Sciences and others) called. And while producing illustrations for slide shows, annual reports, and brochures in his "day job", his freelance work brought him into record album covers, billboards, and work for the National Football League. His art, prints and posters were so respected, that he not only created the official 1980 Super Bowl Poster, but he also ended up working for all 28 of the League's franchises.

And why has Chuck concentrated on the American Indian in art, prints and posters? Ren says, "Because that is a way of life that is gone, and I want to preserve it in memory. If you look at a modern cattle round-up, you realize that the American cowboy's way of life hasn't essentially changed. I'm trying to learn everything I can about the Indians. Most paintings I've seen dealt with the Indian in a group or social setting. I've tried to focus on the individual."

Chuck Ren Art, Prints and Posters Collection