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James Lumbers

James  Heligan

James Lumbers

Artist Biography

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James Lumbers

James Lumbers is one of Canada's most respected and successful artists. His wilderness landscapes, nostalgic images of Canada's past, and inspiring portraits are part of private art, prints and posters collections around the world. Born in Toronto in 1929, and a graduate of the Ontario College of Art, James worked as an industrial and corporate artist until 1970, when he joined an expedition to Canada's far north. The experience changed his life.

James' lasting respect for the cultures and raw beauty of the sub-arctic and Hudson Bay lowlands is a re-occurring theme in his body of art, prints and posters. In 1973, he was elected a Fellow in the Explorers Club of New York, in honour of his documentation of Native Peoples of the North. James is best known for his heritage Moments in Time series. Relying on ghost images, the artist carefully blends reflections of the past into renditions of the present to create thought-provoking tributes of simpler times long gone.

More than any other visual artist in Canada, James Lumbers has assisted in the preservation of our country's wonderful heritage. When he is not painting art, prints and posters, making public appearances or traveling across Canada to carry out the exhaustive research which is part of every canvass, James Lumbers relaxes at his retreat in Northern Ontario.

James Lumbers Art, Prints and Posters Collection