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Theophile Alexandre Steinlen

Emma Scarvey

Theophile Alexandre Steinlen

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Theophile Alexandre Steinlen Biography:
A major artist of the French Art Nouveau era, Theophile Alexandre Steinlen came to Paris from his native Switzerland at the age of twenty. Mainly self-taught, he quickly established himself as a leading illustrator of popular journals such as Le Rire. He also contributed a large amount of art, prints, posters and lithographs to the radical press publications, Pere Peinard, Les Temps Nouveaux and La Chambard. In order to avoid political repercussions for some of his art dealing with strong social content he often employed pseudonyms such as, 'Treelan' and 'Pierre'.  >>click here for more
Theophile Alexandre Steinlen Cat 2e Exposition

T. Steinlen

Cat 2e Exposition

image: 25 x 20.75 in.
paper: 25 x 21 in.

Limited Edition