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David Wright

Zaira Zarotti

David Wright

Artist Biography

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David Wright

David Wright, a Nashville based artist, periodically departs the 20th century for destinations in the 18th and 19th centuries. Through his art, prints and posters, he travels back to the raw and often savage American frontier of the fur traders, trappers, the long hunters and mountain men.

David's vision of the American frontiersman, his knowledge of their clothing, equipment and, most of all his understanding of their character and personality is the product of a life long fascination with the history of his chosen period. He is an avid "buckskinner" and often ventures into the wilderness to recreate for himself the world of the American frontier. It is here, while living off the land, hunting with black powder rifles and bivouacking in primitive campsites that David Wright's love of history and his art, prints and posters come together.

Accuracy in the faithful rendering of historical artifacts plus a compassionate understanding of the hardships and pleasures of life on the frontier makes David Wright's art, prints and posters something to see.

David Wright Art, Prints and Posters Collection