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Jeffrey Barson

Richard Thorn

Jeffrey Barson

Artist Biography

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Jeffrey Barson

Jeffrey Barson was born in Logan, Utah in 1966. A move to England when he was nine allowed the budding artist to explore a wide variety of art while traveling through Europe. Torn between medicine and art as a career choice, an art scholarship to Utah State University sealed his fate.

Barson employs a painterly style reminiscent of the Great Masters. His studies of classic figures in literature lend a credibility and realism to his art. Barson art, prints and posters are suffused with intriguing symbolism and metaphors. His portraits of women are passionate, sensual and hauntingly beautiful.

Working in oil on canvas, Barson strives for creative excellence in his art, prints and posters. "My drive and interest as an artist comes from my passion for beauty. I try to present an image to the viewer that communicates; to create an intense emotional response through skill and vision. I paint what I see as beautiful."

Jeffrey Barson Art, Prints and Posters Collection