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Megata Morikaga

James Talmadge

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James Talmadge

There is a rhythym in Talmadge's art, prints and posters. The fast-paced rhythym of traffic rushing down a rain slick street; the rhythym of sparkling lights at a summer carnival; rythym as swirls of vivid color - colorstorms - sprawling across his drawing boards.

These are actual hand pulled serigraphs, which are produced by hand pulling the fine art paper through the printing screen for each color. Each serigraph is produced under the close supervision of the artist

James was only 14 when he had his first one man show of art, prints and posters. Talmadge is a historian - a documentarian of our times. He paints what he sees, what we all see, adding a bit more color, humor and innocence to the experience.

James Talmadge Art, Prints and Posters Collection