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Anne Rushout

Z S Liang

Artist Biography

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Z S Liang

Z.S. Liang was born in China and raised in a family of artists. He studied at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing and Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in Guangzhou. Liang furthered his art study in the United States in 1982.He earned his BFA in painting at Massachusetts College of Arts in 1986 and his MFA in Painting at Boston University in 1989. Liang received his great inspiration in this country while studying and painting the Wampanoag Indian culture at the outdoor Museum in Plymouth, Massachusetts. This newfound interest fired his imagination, and he began to focus his painting primarily on Native American Indian cultures and their traditional ways of life. During the ensuring years of field research, he has made many connections and friends among Native tribes from the East coast to the Rocky Mountains. Liang's obvious passion for the Indians as a people, coupled with his emphasis on historical accuracy, adds strength and truth to his portrayals.

Among the many awards Liang has received are: the David P. Usher Patrons' Choice Award, Master of the American West, 2009; the President's Award for Excellence, Oil Painters of America, 2005; Best of Show Award and People's Choice Award, the American Society of Portrait Artists, 1998; the Arthur Ross Award for Painting, Classical America, New York, 1992; and the Lila Acheson Award for Painting, the Society of American Illustrators, 1986. Liang's works are in the permanent collections of Autry National Center, West Point Museum of United States Military Academy and Harvard University.

Liang has been invited to participate the Masters of the American West Fine Art Exhibition and Sale in Autry National Center every year since 2005. His works have been featured in Art of the West, South West Art, Western Art Collectors, Artists and International Artists Magazines. He is represented by Trailside Galleries in Jackson, Wyoming and Scottsdale, Arizona. Liang and his family reside in Southern California.
Inspiration drawn from the unique Native American history and culture has spawned a passion of sell out paintings, appealing to collectors from all walks of life. Browse through the art, prints and posters of Z S Liang - you're sure to find one that inspires you.

Z S Liang Art, Prints and Posters Collection