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Rodney White

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Rodney White

When he was six, Rodney White found a box of scrap paper in the back of a kindergarten classroom. The rest is history.

Today, Rodney is a contemporary artist who draws inspiration from society and pop culture in a refreshingly relatable way. His work, painted mostly on wood panels, are hybrid compositions of the things he loves - typography, numerology, poetry, vintage advertising - all set to the tune of his own personal philosophy. "Being my best self” is how he modestly describes it. Playful, poetic, and genuinely inspiring, his art fuses the old with the new, and serves as a surprising catalyst for self-reflection.

If his work seems familiar, chances are it is. Rodney's paintings have been exhibited in national museums, galleries and Vinny Chase's living room. In addition to HBO's hit series Entourage, Rodney's work has been featured in numerous TV shows and movies, including ABC's Extreme Makeover Home Edition, Samantha Who?, Pushing Daisies, CBS's How I Met Your Mother, The Good Wife, HBO's Big Love, USA's Psych, and the epic John Cusack blockbuster, 2012, to name a few.

Born in Augusta Georgia, Rodney White now lives and works in Brooklyn, New York. Beyond his fine art career, Rodney has also made time to become an award-winning art director in advertising. He is currently building a lifestyle brand that launches with his own clothing line, set to debut in Spring 2010.

Rodney White Art, Prints and Posters Collection