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Warren Salter

Megata Morikaga

Warren Salter

Artist Biography

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Warren Salter

Warren Salter was born in a small town in Southwest Tasmania in 1958, and displayed artistic talent at an early age. He won his first art prize in the first grade, at the tender age of six. As an adult, Salter worked in the graphic art industry, as well as the designing and sign-making field. He now lives in Australia, where he works full-time as an artist.

With a passion for color and a flamboyant flair, Salter made flowers the focal point of his art. Musical overtones can often be found within his work, as he draws upon music for much of his inspiration. Salter believes the two art forms - painting and music - are very similar in many ways, and the positive experience he has had with music gives him the clarity to strive for excellence with every brush stroke.

Warren Salter Art, Prints and Posters Collection