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Gary Ernest Smith

Artist Biography

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Gary Ernest Smith

Reflected in the art, prints and posters of Gary Ernest Smith are days as a child spent in the relative isolation of a cattle ranch near Baker, Oregon. Although Smith received little formal art training, his parents encouraged him to develop his talent, and at age 15 he was accepted into a painting workshop for professional artists in Lincoln Beach, Oregon. In 1970, Smith received a Master of Fine Arts degree from Brigham Young University. After serving 18 months as an Army illustrator, he returned to BYU to teach art.

Gary Smith's art, prints and posters depicting rural America hang in private, corporate and university collections across the country. His art has been featured in dozens of one- and two-man shows and he has received major commissions for a score of paintings, sculptures and murals.

His art, prints and posters have appeared in nearly every major national art magazine, including Southwest Art, Art & Antiques, ARTnews and Antique & Fine Art.

Gary Ernest Smith Art, Prints and Posters Collection