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Kimberly Poloson

Megata Morikaga

Kimberly Poloson

Artist Biography

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Kimberly Poloson

Kimberly Poloson, known for her art, prints and posters, was born in Northern Michigan. Her earliest memories are of rock collecting on the shores of the great lakes. She has lived in exotic places such as Hawaii and California and now resides in the majestic Pacific Northwest.

Kim's family includes her pilot husband, teenage daughter and two entertaining daschunds. She finds her art, prints and posters simply reflect her love of life, with many layers, textures and interesting juxtapositions within any given day.

Her passion for nature, old world charm, art antiques, and found funky objects are only a part of Kimberly Poloson's inspiration for her art, prints and posters. The rest comes from simple day-to-day living: A singing bird, a laughing child, the smell of rain, and always the sound of music.

Kimberly Poloson Art, Prints and Posters Collection