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George Kovach

Zaira Zarotti

George Kovach

Artist Biography

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George Kovach

George Kovach was born of Hungarian descent in Cleveland, Ohio. It was during his childhood on Ohio farm that art became the focus of George's life. He attended and graduated from the Art Institute of Miami and became a full-time artist in 1972. George is busy painting at either his home in Texas or his summer studio in Mexico. George has been commissioned to do art, prints and posters for numerous prestigious customers, both celebrities and corporate.

A founding member of the Texas Cowboy Artist Association, George was awarded a gold medallion three consecutive years for "Best of Show". Since joining his publisher, Northwoods Craftsman, in 1992, George has become "One of America's Most Versatile Artists". He loves the challenge of painting a wide variety of subjects and having his art, prints and posters appeal to almost everyone.

If you look closely at a Kovach painting, you begin to understand who George is and what he stands for. You will often find churches and family in many of his pieces, as these values are extremely important to him. As one stands before Kovach art, prints and posters, nostalgia is brought into vivid focus as he so masterfully takes the viewer on a personal journey through time where romance of the past is brought back to life.

George Kovach Art, Prints and Posters Collection