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Elizabeth Allyn

Harry Moeller

Artist Biography

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Harry Moeller

"Birds and animals are special to Harry Moeller. They live by instinct in their habitats, they despoil not, nor do they kill, except for protection and sustenance. Their stature is of grace and nobility"

In 1976 Harry Moeller was one of the first in a very select group to be named Premier Wildlife Artist in America by the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Bird Art Museum, the most prestigious of its kind in the world.

Born in Wisconsin in 1932, Passed away in 1996. Harry Moeller has had a lifelong interest in nature and has painted wildlife professionally since 1964. though self-taught, he cites a very important to his development, the artistic council of his long time friend Owen Gromme.

Harry Moeller approaches his art with a dedication to portraying the subtle dramas that take place in nature's out-of-doors.
The idea for a painting is first roughed out in a series of preliminary sketches. From a finished pencil sketch the final composition evolves, usually in opaque and transparent watercolor, or acrylics. In contrast to the detailed settings of some of his earlier works, more recent paintings dwell mainly on the wildlife creature, leaving the immediate surroundings briefly detailed and the background hazy or indistinct.

Harry Moeller Art, Prints and Posters Collection