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David Marty

James  Heligan

David Marty

Artist Biography

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David Marty

David Marty grew up in Palo Alto, California and studied at Art Center College of Design, Biola University and Scottsdale Artist's School. Marty's career took him in the direction of graphic design and illustration. After working for a publisher in Southern California, he opened a successful graphic design studio. But over the past few years, his first love of painting has resurfaced and he has been painting with a renewed vigor.

Marty's paintings begin as plein-air studies, working in oil and canvas. "My earlier landscapes were executed in a tight, almost photo-realistic manner. The turning point began after seeing the work of the French Impressionists in Paris. I was attracted by the brighter colors, softness and spontaneity of their paintings.”

"I am awestruck by the beauty and diversity of the Northwest. I see the fingerprints of a creative God all around me, from the last glow of golden light on a mountain to the sparkle of a meandering meadow stream." Marty and his wife reside in Edmonds, Washington with their five children, including two boys from Bulgaria.

David Marty Art, Prints and Posters Collection