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Jennifer Bonaventura

James  Heligan

Jennifer Bonaventura

Artist Biography

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Jennifer Bonaventura

Jennifer Bonaventura is originally from Dallas, Texas where she has been involved in art all of her life. As a child and young adult, she participated in art workshops, community volunteer projects and freelance design work. She won the "Award for Excellence" in art for her graduating class in high school in 1988. Following graduation, she continued on to study fine art at Brookhaven College in North Dallas. Included in her studies were not only painting, drawing, design, and sculpture, but also computer graphics and graphic design.

She worked in the art department of the college where she further learned through specialized workshops and in the art gallery. Throughout her educational experience, Jennifer won several awards for the work she entered into shows and was accepted to show paintings at the First Annual Unions Competition at the University of Texas in 1989.

Jennifer went on to work in the art department of a children's television show produced for the Family Channel painting backdrops, sets, and creating props. Afterwards, she moved to Phoenix, Arizona where she was hired as an artist's assistant for a fine art studio and studied under different artists including Liz Jardine, Richard Hall, and John Douglas Kline. She was promoted to rep portfolio designer and created numerous designs for art representatives in different areas of the country as well as producing original pieces for well known clients including Ethan Allen.

Jennifer Bonaventura Art, Prints and Posters Collection